Mental Health Program

Healthy Minds

Provide stigma-free mental health alternatives for a healthier and safer community

To promote holistic (physical,
socio-emotional, and spiritual-moral) well-being of children, teachers, and the community of Manzil through prevention, intervention, and education


The objectives of this program are as follows:

1. Screening the students to identify challenged areas.
2. Conduct counseling sessions for students and teachers.
3. Psycho-education; awareness sessions/workshops for students, teachers, and mothers
4. Teachers training

program objectives

  1. Create an environment where mental health is prioritized so children become the best possible versions of themselves
  2. Identify any developmental delays, improve socio-emotional well-being, and inculcate moral values that aid them in their holistic growth
  3. To provide psycho-education and low-intensity counseling to teachers and mothers
  4. Collaborate with organizations and institutions to facilitate students and community
As per various conducted researches, there exists a great disparity and lack of aid available to those who are marginalized and financially unstable. This unpleasant condition makes children go through traumatic experiences such as violence, abuse, and a lack of affection which impacts their cognitive development, therefore, hindering their learning. As a result, they have low selfesteem and experience emotional pain resulting with maladaptive coping strategies (suicide, aggression, and abuse) we feel that: